Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements

Please let me know what you think of me.


  1. Dear Mr. Shutter,

    My name is Hannah Pritchard. I was so pleased to have read so much about you and find that the both of us have quite a bit in common! You see, I too have strong connections to the Drury Lane Theatre. I worked almost my entire career there in comedic acting! Which brings me to another thing you and I have in common, we were both great comedic actors. I'm so sorry to say that I never got a chance to view your work, for I am sure it was absolutely splendid. Speaking of our acting similarities, you and I were both trained by an absolutely brilliant man by the name of David Garrick. It touches my heart to hear you speak so highly of him, for he was my mentor and my inspiration for my art.

    However we do have some differences my dear.I did not start out as an actress, I in fact was discovered as a singer at the Bartholomew Fair. Perhaps you've been? Well anyway, after I was discovered as a singer, then I began my career as an actress. Another between us is, well darling I am not a drunk. I would never be caught forgetting big parts of my lines and gagging on stage. I'm sure you meant no harm love, but that is quite unprofessional behavior.
    I truly do respect and admire the work you've done. You overcame your limited means for education, and your slight problem with alcohol. If my darling David held you in such high regards, then as do I. It's been a pleasure speaking with you, and I hope to hear from you soon my dear Mr. Shutter.


    1. Thank you Mrs. Pritchard. I am so happy to see that we have so much in common! Maybe one day we could go back to Drury Lane and run lines with each other!

  2. Hello Mr. Shuter, I have come across your page and noticed that we lived two very different lives. Im not sure if we have anything in common! Well first, let me say we have performed in a few well know theaters mine was a theater in Paris Opera and in Milan, you theater in your homeland. We've also had our share of roles in our time period. Both of our parents had pretty good jobs i would like to say. You say you werent into operas? Well i wasnt fond of it either because it kept me away from my dancing. My family was very fond of opera, most of them sung it including me. My mentor helped me alot with my dancing skill and career just as your two mentors helped with yours.

    Now for our many differences. You are from the high class London and im from the high class Milan. Unlike you i lived in a little town called Istra and not by a mini town as you say you've lived in. My passion is for dance not acting, never acted in my life. I got interested in my talet at a very young age, i knew exactly what i wanted to do. You seemed a little uncertain. My mentor Jules Perrot was my only mentor and he didnt quite use me like your mentor did you, unless you count stealing my love for him of course. As for your drinking problem... I had none of that sir.

    Besides all our differences im glad your career didnt go downhill from your little problem. You seem to have a wonderful acting talent and i would love to see you in action. I hope to get a respone back from you,
    So long, -Carlotta

  3. Mr. Shuter. I hear you are pretty funny. We will just have to see about that. Well I was never called you know a, "Comic Genius" but I was an actress. Like yourself, I have preformed in many plays. I was raised Catholic but I am surely not as religious as you. You went to church a little too much.

    I am proud to say that we do have many differences. For one, I have never made a fool of myself while drunk. I've heard stories of your preaching and you sound quite ridiculous. I am also not as obnoxious as you. :)

    I am just oh so excited to hear more from you... Not like we haven't heard enough already. Heh-heh. Well have a nice night Mr. Shuter.

  4. Bonjour M. Shuter. It was very interestiong to learn about you, concidering that we both had lived completly different lives.

    Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul, and I am a French Composer. I have not really had much experience with acting, unless operas count? I have noticed though that both of us had really great teachers to help us along our journey to becoming artists! Well anyway, unlike you,getting interested in the arts as a teenager, I got involved in my fabulous music professionaly by the age of 10. I find it interesting that you do not care for operas, but you were in one. Opera is Fantastique! Well to a person of fine artistic views.

    It was a pleasure learnig about your particular artistic views. Caoi for now!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Buon giorno, come stai? Mr. Shuter It was a pleasure to read about you. In our case I’m going to start naming the differences since the similarities we share are fewer. Our families were really different, my parents and siblings were somehow in the dance business while your father was a chairman and your mother was a vendor. Obviously you had a harder time getting in touch with the arts than me since it was a tradition in my home. You discovered arts when you were a teenager while me as a teenager was having my debut as a dancer, due to the fact that I always knew what I wanted to do from looking at my parents.

    You had different hardships than I did, and I believe is because my whole life was just dancing. The hard things I had to overcome where how to make a step, how to get a principal role in the Paris Opera, how to train my kids to make them look as amazing as they could. My life was all dance-based, but in your case you had problems with having poor education, which let you to have problems in your art like reading a script and learning different roles, and I believe the worst one you had to overcome was your drinking problems.

    I am a dancer and you are an actor and that is obviously a difference. We are not even allowed to talk in ballets! But since we are both performers I am going to say that is a similarity. We might not talk in ballets but we are asked to act and say things with our movements and that can relate a lot to acting. Our art fields can be different but the main thing for both of us was to give the audience a break from their own lives. You made it by making them laugh and I by giving them an unreal ballet to look at.

    To be honest there is something about your art that still doesn’t convince me. I think comedy is not necessarily my thing. But who knows? Maybe I should give it a try. I probably need to laugh more often.

    -Filippo Taglioni

  7. Hello Mr.Shuter it a pleasure to meet you. I have not heard alot about you. Like you I started participating in the arts as a teenager but we are from different places. I am an American coposer as you are an actor from London. We are also alike by having limited education, but mine was because I lost my father. Sorry to hear about your drinking problem. I hope to learn more about your tale and hear back from you.

    Sincerly, Mr.Willliam Billings.

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  9. To start off we both are deeply involved with the arts. You also had a mentor, correct? I believe so.

    We don't have these things in common: You were born in England I was born in France. You are actor. I am a play write. The things your had to go through in your carrier were very different from mine. Likewise with Fillipo your drinking didn't exactly help your carrier "take off".

    I hope to meet you soon you sound quite interesting. Good bye

  10. Dear Mr. Shutter,

    I am Anne Lange. I have a much longer name, but I dont prefer to use it. As I was reading about you I noticed things that were interesting. Like the fact that you are an English actor. Some things that were different between you and I is, you are a bit older than me. I was only a child when you were around the peak of your carrer. That may bbe why I dont remember you. Another dirrerence is that you started acting when you were a teenager. I started when I was four. Also, you had two mentors. I didnt even have one. One more thing is, you drank. I could never see myself as a drinker. That would ruin my carrer as it did yours.
    Some things we have in common is that we are both actors. We both also have shows that we are quite known for.
    I also read that you like comedy. That really isnt my style but I am sure you are great at what you do.

